Name: Brynn Reese

Field of Study: Politics, with a minor in management

Status: Undergraduate student  

Graduation Year: 2022

Hometown: Greenville, S.C.

Why did you choose 51Ó°ÔºUniversity? I chose 51Ó°ÔºUniversity for many reasons. Perhaps the most important was the strong family community I felt as I visited campus for the first time. Right away, I felt that CatholicU was a place where the faculty, staff, and student body supported each other and were committed to making each other better people. This has proven to be true and the main reason why I love CatholicU so much. I also chose to attend CatholicU for the countless opportunities to grow in my faith.

"CatholicU is...unique because of the countless opportunities to grow in faith"
– Brynn Reese

What activities have you been involved with? While at 51Ó°ÔºUniversity I have been involved with College Republicans where I have held leadership positions including Vice President and Treasurer. I also am an assistant student coordinator in the Office of Campus Activities where I assist student organizations in handling their event planning and financial accounts. Because of Catholic's close proximity to Capitol Hill, I have been able to intern for my representative from South Carolina for two semesters. I have also had the opportunity to intern with the 51Ó°ÔºApostolate Center where I did podcast analytics, editing, and creating videos on the lives of the Saints.

Favorite course: One of my favorite courses I have taken was POL414A which was Power in American Politics taught by Professor Matthew Green. In this discussion-based class, we explored different dynamics of power, and ultimately who holds the most power in America. Another of my favorite classes I have taken at 51Ó°ÔºUniversity was MGT123B, Foundations of Businesses, led by Professor Frederic Sautet. In this class, we explored real-world examples of business management and important aspects of business, including 51Ó°ÔºSocial Teaching. We also had the opportunity to interview and create a relationship with a small business owner and present to the class their management style and philosophy.

What are your goals? Although I am not sure the particulars of my future yet, my goal is to always stay true to my 51Ó°Ôºfaith which has been strengthened during my time at CatholicU. Another goal is to be committed to servant leadership in any job I may have, which is so important to the 51Ó°ÔºU community and is exemplified by the faculty and staff.

Is there a faculty or staff member who has made a significant impact on you? Along with many professors, the professional staff in the Office of Campus Activities, especially Mariah Raskin, have had an incredible impact on my time at CatholicU. They show what it means to find true joy in their work and they genuinely want all students at 51Ó°Ôºto have the fullest and most worthwhile college experience.

What makes 51Ó°ÔºUniversity unique? 51Ó°ÔºUniversity is unique because, despite being in one of the busiest, perhaps most important cities in the world, I can still walk around a beautiful campus where at any given time I can see a familiar, friendly face of a classmate or professor. This is incredibly rare at any university, especially one in such a large city. CatholicU is also unique because of the countless opportunities to grow in faith, whether it be the dozens of opportunities to attend Mass, Campus Ministry events, and the faith-based leadership of faculty and staff.

Proudest accomplishment: I am most proud to have taken such a variety of classes from philosophy, to world politics, to Christianity in the Eastern Churches, and many more. I feel that the classes at 51Ó°Ôºhave helped me to be a more well-rounded student and individual.

What 51Ó°ÔºUniversity means to you: An experience that exemplifies what 51Ó°ÔºUniversity means to me would be walking in the March for Life with my friends and classmates. This is an example of the 51Ó°ÔºUniversity community coming together in service.